Saturday, December 22, 2007

Take-outs for teachers

So, this will probably be my last post until after the holidays, but I just wanted to share my two new creations : Take-outs for my daughter's teachers.  They turned out very cute.  We had packaged up a few of our homemade cookies inside.  Unfortunately, she was sick on the last day before winter break, so she wasn't able to deliver the gifts.   They will be a nice January surprise! 

Also, my dear son has been battling a little cold and this is the scene I found today after I cleaned up the lunch table.  Bless his heart, he was on a mission to get his own tissue to blow his nose.  I guess it was too irresistible to not keep pulling the tissue out - 'they just keep coming' (i could almost hear his little mind thinking out loud)!  I just had to laugh - you pick your battles.

Have a fantastic holiday season!

Monday, December 17, 2007

We've been busy!

Greetings! It's been a few days since my last post... but we have been busy baking and I've managed to finish some sewing projects too! So far things are moving along well as we prepare for the holidays. I've not yet wrapped a gift for underneath the tree - well knowing that my 2 year old would gladly unwrap them all as soon as he saw them! So, all of that may have to wait until the 24th when they are fast asleep!

Just wanted to post some of the latest creations and concoctions. I've managed to finish 3 more re-useable grocery totes for family and also made this cute little ditty of a Chinese take out box all in fabric! I'm pretty excited about it - almost giddy. We had Chinese take out recently and it inspired me to make a pattern from the little box that held our rice. I love it! I am going to make many more. I need to put my pattern making skills to use more often.

The kids and I decorated our Christmas cutout cookies last week and then yesterday we made Russian teacakes and also some Orange-Almond Biscotti! I love to bake and my 6 year old is really starting to get into it as she gets older. I am constantly reminding myself to be patient, patient, patient when we bake together. I love having that one on one time with her.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cookie baking & bag making today...

It's a bright, sunny day today - yet chilly. Great day for baking and more grocery tote bag making. I love to bake and spent the morning baking Christmas cutout cookies with my kiddies. They enjoyed it too! Thankfully we still have enough cookies to decorate later ... Bjorn was pretty hip on having fresh cookies around... "mo Mommy, mo, pease?" So hard to refuse those big brown eyes!

Notice the John Deere printed fabric? Yeah, not quite my cuppa' tea... but it's for my Dad. A reusable grocery tote - hoping he will really use it if it's manly enough.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year. The kids are very excited and now the tree is finally ... finally decorated thanks to Ben and Svea's hard work last night.

Monday, December 10, 2007

finally... a new keyboard!

So - we ventured off to Micro Center yesterday and finally replaced our sad spilled-on keyboard. We were able to purchase the new keyboard that apple sells with all the new iMacs. It's very slick and stream lined. Very thin and quiet when you type - I love it. Also, it's clean! I didn't realized how gross our old one was getting until I took pictures of the new and the old. Any suggestions what i should do with the old? Leave comments please! (earrings? Necklaces?....craziness, huh?)

I am going to start sewing again tonight ... must continue on with more Christmas gifts.

Happy Monday.

Saturday, December 8, 2007!,my..daughters..6th..birthday!!..Svea..worked..very..hard..on..this..pinata..with..her..Dad.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Tuesday, December 4, 2007







Thursday, November 29, 2007

the latest...

Here are my latest creations...
Some re-useable Grocery Totes for my In-Laws for Christmas. Made 50% with purchased fabrics and 50% from recycled clothing - some are lined with fabric from my old maternity pants - Yay! I love cutting those up!

The little "B" initial bag is for my 4 year old niece, Bernadette for Christmas! I hope she likes it. It turned out very cute and sweet and was also made from old jeans and lined with a cute gingham check from a little baby dress that my now almost-6 year old used to fit into.

Baby it's cold outside...

It's definitely feeling like winter outside - Yikes! I just wish there was snow to go along with it or just snow and no cold.

I've been working hard at making Christmas gifts this year for the kiddos grandparents. So, I am pretty tired during the day. Sleep is overrated anyway, right? Things that have helped....I've managed to fit in some exersize and also have been trying to eat right. I'm a little freaked out with the upcoming holidays and all the FOOD.

Anyway just wanted to share my latest purchases - some vintage tablecloths! I don't think i will use them as such. How about that dark teal one with the embroidery - so sweet. I'm hoping to come up with some fun ideas for these... skirt? tote? purse for my daughter?

Friday, November 23, 2007

I love thrift stores ....

well, not the actual stores themselves, but all the great treasures you can find!

Today I found a vintage 100% black cotton kimono and some cute floral fabric - white and fuschia!
I am working on making most of my Christmas projects - and have been looking for fabrics and clothing to use to recyle into new fabulous things!

I am thinking of making either a cute little kimono style dress for my daughter and/or some fun reusable grocery bags... any thoughts?

I forgot to rotate the geisha picture before i posted - and i cannot figure out how to delete it and put the correct photo in....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day...

Greetings to those of you who are checking out my new blog. Today is Thanksgiving and I decided to start a blog. I would like to keep a little journal of my creative endeavors and savor some of life's moments too.